Monday, May 23, 2011

Easter Order

Over Easter I was asked to make something a bit different. I was asked if I did biscuits and slices. I love to cook any thing so I said I would give them a go. I was asked to produce a few batches of cookies and a couple of slices. I could choose what I thought would be good. The only condition was that only one slice could have coconut in it.

So I set off in search of some recipes and tried to find some that would slice up and store well. Because I wanted to jazz up the end product I wanted to put every thing in nice jars. As most people know the majority of slices are soft or sticky or contact coconut. So I settle on Choc Muesli Slice (the one with coconut), Toscanner Slice, Caramel and Peanut Creams and Apricot Bubble Biscuits.

I find that biscuits and slices are easy to do but the hard part is getting the cooking just right. Too long and they go too crunchy and too little cooking and they are too soft. I like a good median with them not too hard and not too soft.
Next time I will cook the Apricot Bubble Biscuits on a lower heat as they browned a little too much to my liking. I will also cook the toffee for the Toscanner Slice a little longer to give it that little more crunch. I think the Toscanner slice would also benefit from a little lemon rind in the middle layer.

The recipes for all of these can be found at I love this website it utilises so many great magazines and you can have your saved cookbooks and recipes. Most recipes also have feedback from users that are most helpful.

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